To perform well the task about Fire Fighting and Prevention in the factory and increase awareness, the role and responsibility of every worker about Fire Fighting and Prevention in factory.
On 10.Feb.2017 HR Department of the factory has cooperated with Thu Duc Police Department of Fire Fighting and Prevention, was training and fostering the skill about Fire Fighting and Prevention, was practicing for fire fighting plans at the Ladovie Factory located in Thu Duc Province.
– 27 workers have joined the training course including Board Safety and Fire Fighting and Prevention team of Dang Phi Hung as its head.
– At the training courses, teacher have showed information about large fires that have caused serious damage about persons and property that occurred in the country and the province of Thu Duc in the recent years for the participants.
– At the training courses, participants have been conveying basic knowledge about fire protection, the legislation about fire protection, the causes incurred the fire. given for the participants some fire safety measures for factory and family, have user manual fire fighting equipment in place, the skills, how to handle situations when the incident fire, escape skills , fire fighting measures.
– After the lectures, Thu Duc Police Department were training, practicing, using, the fire equipment, CO2 fire extinguisher bottle, to extinguish the fire and responce quickly the fire situations that maybe occur.
– The training courses have been prepared seriously about people as well as fire protection equipment. The training courses is opportunity for Fire Fighting and Prevention team’s Factory to improve knowledge and responsibility for fire protection activities, thereby be active in fire protection when fire incidents occurred.